Workplace Injury Management
For over 23 years South City Physiotherapy has worked with local industries to help diagnose and treat work related injuries. We ensure the injured workers receive:
- Accurate injury diagnosis
- Excellent evidence based care
- Management plans to ensure fast and safe return to work
- Suitable duties advice when required
- Exercise plans to reduce the risk of injury recurrence
We understand the importance of a timely return to work, research showing that early injury assessment can speed up a workers return to work, limiting the amount of time lost at work. In most instances workers can return to work prior to full recovery, particularly if the organisation can accommodate suitable duties programmes.
We bulk bill Workcover Qld for the injured workers with accepted claims.
Work station assessment
We also offer on-site workstation assessments where we come to you, assess your work station and ensure you are reducing the risk of work related injuries.
Pre-employment assessments
We have also completed well over 6000 pre-employment assessment across varied industries.