Breathing Techniques at South City Physio

Breath Better & Live Longer with Our Brisbane Breathwork Training

BradCliff Breathing Method

Faulty breathing patterns can be caused by a variety of reasons from sitting poorly to bereavement, from chronic sinusitis to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to tight clothes. Whether the cause is trivial or profound, the first step is to restore normal breathing function with the assistance of clinically proven breathing techniques in brisbane.

Faulty breathing patterns affect people in different ways. Some may exhibit musculoskeletal and more physical symptoms such as neck and shoulder problems, chronic pain and fatigue. Others are more inclined to distress, fear, anxiety and co-existing loss of self-confidence. Many are a combination of both mental/emotional and physical factors.

If you have a faulty pattern, you can reduce these distressing symptoms by having your pattern assessed and learning how you are meant to breathe. You will be given breathing techniques and breathing exercise by the only Bradcliff breathing physio in Brisbane, Queensland.

Principles of the BradCliff Breathing Method have been written about in books, research reviews and taught to students and patients worldwide.

Why see one of our breathing physios

Breathing is simple in concept but complex in its function. It affects many things and many things will affect it. Because of this complexity, the clinical reasoning skills of a physiotherapist is essential to:

Recognise a disorder and diagnose what is causing it.

Is it nose clearance, posture, performance anxiety, stiff spine and ribcage, over active respiratory muscles, hyperventilation or a faulty speech pattern.

Rule out anything sinister driving the disorder.

For example, cardiac or respiratory disease.

To change an often “life time habit” requires skill, time and expertise.

For example, with some people the process of focussing on the breath worsens the disorder. The physiotherapist needs to know what they are doing.

The value of the BradCliff Method includes:

  • A foundation of health – breathing comes first.
  • Proof and science
  • Efficiency and performance
  • Drug free
  • Increased efficiency and performance
  • Calm, control and awareness

Breathing Pattern Disorders – take the test:

One in ten people, of all ages, experience some form of chronic over breathing or breathing pattern disorder at some time in their lives. One disorder often experienced is hyperventilation.

The result can be a range of disturbing or frightening symptoms, often puzzling both to you and your doctor. You feel unwell because of over breathing, and over breathing makes you feel unwell.
A vicious cycle is established – which is a major stress all by itself

Have you experienced any of these breathing difficulty symptoms?

* Check with your doctor if you experience these symptoms.

  • Frequent sighing and yawning
  • Tired all the time
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Feeling anxious and uptight
  • Upset gut/nausea
  • Pins and needles
  • Chest Pains*
  • Shattered confidence
  • Achy muscles and joints
  • Dizzy spells* or feeling spaced out
  • Irritability or hypervigilance
  • Feelings of ‘air hunger’
  • Breathing discomfort*
  • Erratic heartbeats*
  • Busy brain

Take The Test here to see if you could benefit from our breathing techniques and then call for an appointment

You can change this result by having your breathing pattern assessed and learning how to breathe as we are meant to. Contact us for further information about how to do this. Also, look at more information under our services page. It is easy to learn, simple and effective.